There is nothing like watching a happy customer talk about their experience with your brand. My video company has shot many video testimonials over the years. Some are amazing, some are good and some probably would have been better not to use at all. Based on our extensive experience we have listed what we think are the five best ways to make your video testimonials highly successful.

1. Pre-interview Meeting: If at all possible schedule a pre-interview meeting. This will allow your subject to understand what you are looking for and be better prepared to answer your questions. They usually feel much more comfortable once they get to know you better. Site surveys allow you to scout the location looking for good backdrops, sound, and lighting and the proper time to conduct the interview. If it isn’t feasible to visit the location prior then at a minimum conduct a pre-interview over the phone.

2. Ask the RIGHT Questions the RIGHT way: This is why the pre-interview is so important. What would seem to you like an easy question may not be depending on the personality of your subject. The important take-aways from the video should be the problem and how your company provided the solution. Don’t forget to ask for a specific endorsement  – Would you reccomend our product or service to others and why?  Allow them to offer anything else they would like. Many times this was their best answer because it was from their own heart. Finally, be sure to mentally take notes and ask follow up questions when needed.

3. Shoot B-Roll: B Roll or cut-away shots inserted over the interview creates authenticity and allows the viewer to see your product in action. It also allows you to edit out improper grammar and stitch sentences together covering the jump cut with other video. Your B roll should include your interviewee if at all possible to allow people to connect them to their environment. If your customer has an interesting business or location it’s always good to show this. Remember the audience must connect with the person giving the testimonial. If they look like robots or talking heads it can really seem uninteresting or even fake or contrived.

4. Avoid distractions: Don’t let your message get lost because the interviewee has messy hair, sun is in their eyes or the audio isn’t clear, or something is going on in the background to divert your attention. This is another reason why it is so important to be prepared and watch out for any distractions. Even the best statements will be lost if your audience isn’t listening.

5. Keep it Short: You picked the prefect candidate and it seems they had a lot to say about your company. Resist the urge to use it all in one video. The video should not be more than a minute in length unless you are doing a case study. A case study is more like a story and 3-4 minutes is typical. If you feel like you just can’t cut anything, show it to several people and ask them what they felt wasn’t that important. If you still can’t bear to edit out those awesome comments create 2 or 3 separate videos.

Give us a call at Promedia Video Productions if you need an experienced company to create a highly successful testimonial video for you! 937-866-2310